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What You Need to Know About Vitiligo and Essential Oils as Treatment

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Vitiligo or Leucoderma is a skin condition in which there are white spots on the skin in large swaths or isolated patches. This skin disorder is a result from a loss of melanin caused by melanocytes that had been destroyed by the body's immune system.


The main cause for this skin disorder has not been identified yet, but there have been suspected factors that might have triggered this skin condition.


The symptoms of vitiligo include greying or whitening of hair, including the eyelashes, and potentially lightening of color in the eye's retina. Without treatment, vitiligo patches often expand over time.

Do you have vitiligo? Do you have loved ones who have been diagnosed with this skin condition? You can say goodbye to your worries because there are a lot of treatment options.


However, if you don't want to consider treatment options that include medical procedures, you can always consider natural treatment options. One of the best natural treatments for vitiligo is the use of essential oils.


The following essential oils are very helpful in helping you reduce the white patches on your skin:


1. Tea Tree Oil - Tea Tree Oil is one of the best essential oils that can help in treating vitiligo. The benefits of this oil can help slow or reverse the patches because of its anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and immune-stimulating properties. Just remember that you need to use a pure tea tree essential oil that does not contain any type of additives or other perfumes. This is to ensure that it is safe for your skin.


In using pure tea tree essential oil, you need to cleanse your skin with a hypo-allergenic or non-irritating cleanser and then pat dry gently. Massage a few drops of the oil directed on your skin's infected area or you can also apply the oil using a cotton swab. You can repeat this procedure for at least two to three times a day.


2. Bergamot Oil - Bergamot oil is very helpful to vitiligo patients because of its properties. This oil has substances in it called Bergaptenes that have a strong ‘photosensitising’ effect on the skin. The ‘photosensitising’ properties found in this essential oil may help turn back on the melanocytes which are activated by ultraviolet light.


Using bergamot oil to help in treating vitiligo is very easy. All you need to do is add drops of bergamot oil into any kind of skin cream or moisturiser. After adding drops of the essential oil to your skin cream or moisturiser, you can then apply it to your skin's infected area. You can do this two to three times daily for best results.


These are just some of the best essential oils to help reduce the effects of Vitilgo on the skin. However, if you find it challenging to find these essential oils, you can always find ready made oils on the market today. There are a lot of great suppliers of ready made essential oils and creams that contain these essential oils that guarantee remarkable results. Always remember that you need to do your research first on these ready made oils, so you can ensure the safety and real effects of these natural products on your skin.

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