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Vitiligo and Homeopathy: The Cure for this Skin Condition

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Vitiligo or often called as Leucoderma is a disorder of the skin. This skin condition is characterized by loss of brown color (pigment) from areas of the skin which results in irregular white patches on the body.


This is a non-contagious skin condition, but is considered to be a stressful type of skin disorder. Vitiligo is more visible in patients with darker skin which makes this skin disorder very stressful and very challenging to handle.


The exact cause of vitiligo is still unknown. However, a lot of experts believe that there are a lot of possible causes of this skin condition.


Treatment options for vitiligo include the following: PUVA Photochemotherapy (Oral Psoralens + UVA Irradiation), Sunscreens, Topical Corticosteroid Creams and Homeopathy.


Among these treatment options, homeopathy is the safest since this type of treatment uses natural substances only. Research shows that homoeopathy is able to give guaranteed results in many cases of Vitiligo. This is because homeopathic treatment improves the natural production of pigments.


Experts also believe that the scope of homeopathic treatment extends beyond the physical symptoms and the approach is more holistic in nature. This type of vitiligo treatment also addresses the underlying stress and depression that is often seen in many cases of vitiligo patients. Homeopathy indeed works to re-integrating patient into normal life.


Prognosis of homeopathy depends on the following: affected area of the skin, duration, extent of spread and the disease activity. Prognosis also depends on the patient's overall health and the presence of other systemic illnesses.

Vitiligo patches around lips, on tips of fingers, toes and generalized extensive Vitiligo show slow improvement of homeopathic treatment.


Furthermore, even after starting homeopathy, vitiligo patients may notice the occurrence of some new spots. This is because it takes some time to control the disease activity and balance the immune system. Results may take time, but homeopathic treatment guarantees lifelong improvement.


Homeopathy experts mostly recommend medicines that are known to be safe without any adverse effects. There are also homeopathic experts that don't advise any particular dietary restriction to their patients which is otherwise a common case with other alternative treatments available in the market. Most homeopathy experts also follow certain international medical protocols to monitor the improvement of the Vitiligo patients.


Homeopathic treatment truly aims at treating vitiligo or Leucoderma by altering its appearance without addressing the underlying cause. Homeopathy has very encouraging results in this type of skin condition which makes it one of the best treatments of vitiligo today. If you have vitiligo or have family members who have this skin condition, choosing the homeopathic treatment is definitely a great choice for all of you.


However, you need to ensure that you will get the homeopathic treatment from only the best expert. You can easily find a guaranteed expert through online research. The Society of Homeopaths has a searchable online database of qualified members as well.

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